While most course materials here are OER, meaning that they can be accessed, shared, and edited (with attribution) freely, some are not. The non-OER sources contained here are either embedded third-party videos, external links to publicly available content, links to library resources (requiring a library login), or accessible PDF documents that require a password (provided to Brooklyn College students registered for specific sections of the course).
Students will be expected to access relevant course units to complete assigned readings. The Blackboard website for the course will contain a comprehensive course calendar and a full syllabus, which provide a roadmap for completing the course.
In addition to readings and other course content, this website also contains a glossary of important terms, making it easier for students to engage with the course material.
Some important dates will be available as events and announcements will appear here from time to time.
Colleagues should feel free to use any and all content on this website, with appropriate attribution.